Meaning Sync Speed
What does Sync Speed mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Sync Speed. You can also add a definition of Sync Speed yourself


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Sync Speed

The speed at which a flash synchronizes with the opening of the shutter. Normal X-sync flash operation requires the entire shutter to be open when the flash is fired. Shutter speeds at which this is p [..]


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Sync Speed

The speed at which a flash synchronizes with the opening of the shutter. Normal X-sync flash operation requires the entire shutter to be open when the flash is fired. Shutter speeds at which this is p [..]


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Sync Speed

Every camera has a limit to the shutter speed at which the flash can sync with camera. This means that if you go beyond the camera's sync speed, the flash will either be cut off or not apparent. The sync speed of most digital SLR's sits between a shutter speed of 1/200th of a second and 1/320th of a second.
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